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Cloud Economics


Getting Started

To get started with PDI, work with your business program/project manager if they already have a dedicated PDI server for their tenancy, or work with the Cloud Advisory Team to start a new tenancy. Setting up PDI involves the Cloud Product Team for PDI to provision dedeicated non-production and production servers for the tenancy.

New Tenant

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New User

This section covers getting started with the PDI Carte service. The below outline provides the steps to login into the PDI Carte server. Further remote interactions you can do with the Carte server are covered in this product's Guides.

PDI Carte Service

Carte is a simple web server that allows you to run transformations and jobs remotely. It receives XML that contains the transformation to run and the execution configuration. It allows you to remotely monitor, start and stop the transformations and jobs that run on the Carte server.

Carte Servers

Production Server:

Development Server: Example:

Accessing PDI Carte Service

FCS Authentication

  • Provide the OTP code sent to your gsa email

PDI Carte Authentication

  • Provide the carte username and password

  • Start using the service
